💡 Indie Mastermind Community Membership

💡 Indie Mastermind Community Membership

Introducing the Indie Masterminds Community 🧠

Build a profitable solo business without feeling lost

The IM community is a close-knit group of like-minded solopreneurs with a very high signal/noise ratio.
We come together to help each other achieve our goals of creating profitable, independent businesses.
This is the right place for you, if you’re -
  • A creator looking to grow their audience (social media, newsletter) and business
  • An indie hacker looking to build a SaaS startup
  • A side hustler looking to monetise their side projects and eventually quit their job
  • A NoCode maker looking to turn their expertise into a business.
  • A freelancer looking to offer productised services
If you identify as any of the above, the community can help you.
As a member here’s what you get -

🎁 What you get -

  • Private Slack Community (75+ members) for feedback, insights and ideas
  • Bi-weekly events, workshops, deep dive sessions on topics like Marketing, Positioning, Pricing, Audience building etc.
  • Monthly challenges and demo days for accountability and feedback
  • 1:1 Intros to network with like minded founders

💎 Bonuses -

  • Private Book club to learn from the best books around entrepreneurship
  • Weekly private newsletter to stay up to date with the community
  • Exclusive Twitter List to engage with members and build your network
Sounds good? Piques your interest?
Few things to note before you decide to jump in -

đŸ€Â Ethos of the community -

  • Growth mindset - we have to learn and grow together.
  • Take feedback sportingly, assume good intent from all members.
  • Give feedback with honesty but also with empathy.
  • Maintain 100% privacy and confidentiality.
  • Give before you ask.

✋ The community is NOT for -

  • People who can’t take action
  • People only looking for spam/self promotion opportunities
  • People not interested in building a serious business

One last thing

As a founder of the community these guardrails help me make sure that members get the best community experience.
That’s what I’m optimizing for, even if that means that the community doesn’t grow as fast as it can.
Hope you understand that 🙏
The community is created on the backbone of the Indie Masterminds program. You can check it’s reviews and testimonials on the program website.
It’s just 6 months old, we’re just getting started đŸ’Ș

Now, enough chit chat.
If you’re still here, then that means you’re actually interested in joining.
There are 3 ways you can join -

đŸŽŸïžÂ Quarterly Pass

  • 3 Month membership
  • Regular price - $90+
  • Early Bird Discount - $45 (10 7seats left)
  • *Price locked in forever

đŸŽŸïžÂ Annual Pass

  • 12 Month membership
  • Regular price - $300+
  • Early Bird Discount - $150 (10 7 seats left)
  • *Price locked in forever

đŸŽ«Â  Lifetime Membership

You can become a life time member of the community by doing the flagship 8 week Indie Masterminds Program.
  • If you’re making $0-$1K monthly revenue - $175
  • If you’re making $1K-$10K monthly revenue - $375
  • If you’re making $10K+ monthly revenue - $675
One time payment. (*Prices go up every month)
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Twitter or send me an email - hello@ayushchat.com
If you are on the fence, but not able to make up your mind, do reach out to me, maybe I can help you make a better decision.
Ayush 🙏


  • Why no 1 month membership?
    • Coz it’s very easy for someone to pay $15, join the community and spoil the experience for everyone. A longer/expensive commitment means more skin in the game, means only serious people will join.
  • Why is it paid at all?
    • Have you joined a free community? They end up becoming pools of self promotion and spam.
  • I don’t want to pay a recurring fee
    • I understand, I’ve thought very deeply about this. A recurring fee helps keep the quality of the community contained to a healthy size.
    • With a one time fee, the community founder is incentivised to keep adding more members to the community to keep making money. Beyond a point that starts diluting the community experience. A 2000+ member one time payment community is not very useful, neither to new members, nor to old ones.
    • I want to keep the size of the community at around Dunbar’s number - 150.
    • A recurring fee, means a healthy churn, which means only the people who are genuinely interested in growing will stay on.
    • At a high enough price point, the community can be sustainable with 150-200 members. I won’t need to grow it further.
    • Still, if you want, you can get the lifetime membership by paying for the program now, and do it later at your own convenience.
  • Won’t such a low quarterly fee still attract bad actors?
    • Yes it will, that’s why I’m only opening up 10 seats at a time, and manually verifying every member who joins. Plus, the price will go up soon, and will keep going up till we reach a stable equilibrium that keeps the bad actors out and genuinely interested folks in. That’s when I’ll get a real landing page 🙂

The Backstory - Why this exists -

So I've been running the 8 week mastermind program for 10 months now. 70+ solopreneurs have gone through it and found value from it.
But over time the biggest objection I've heard from people who want to join it, but don't end up joining is that there is no active project that they are working on. So they're not sure if they can benefit from the hot seat sessions or not.
They ask me, should they join?
And I am the first one to tell them that they should NOT.
But they still want some help, feedback, support and most of all, they want to hang out with interesting people building cool stuff.
I had no answer for them, I wasn't sure how I could help them.
Until today.
I've just opened up access to the Indie Masterminds Slack group and community events.
So for a small fee, you can now join the Slack, attend the events and get feedback, support and accountability from fellow founders/creators in the group (and me)

Here’s a quick version of what members get -

💡 Indie Mastermind Community Membership

đŸ’Ș  Who’s it for -

  • Creators
  • Makers
  • Solopreneurs
  • Indie Hackers
  • No Code experts
  • Service Business Owners

✋ Who’s it NOT for -

  • People who can’t take action
  • People only looking for spam/self promotion opportunities
  • People not interested in building a serious business

🎁 What’s included -

  • Private Slack group (75+ members) for feedback, insights and ideas
  • Monthly events, workshops, deep dive sessions on topics like Marketing, Positioning, Pricing, Audience building etc.
  • Monthly challenges and demo days for accountability and feedback
  • 1:1 Intros to network with like minded founders

💎 Bonuses -

  • Private Book club to learn from the best entrepreneurship books
  • Exclusive Twitter List to engage with members
  • Weekly private newsletter to stay up to date with the community
  • Shoutout and feature in the SuperFrameworks newsletter (2400+ subscribers)
  • 30 min 1:1 strategy call with me

đŸ€©Â How you can benefit -

  • Feedback, support and accountability at every step in your journey
  • Access to exclusive events and workshops to learn from real world insights
  • Opportunity to network with other like minded founders in the community

đŸ€”Â What’s NOT included -

  • 8 Week high touch mastermind program
  • Private Mastermind Groups
  • Personalised hot seat sessions
  • Bonus courses and e-books