20 Best Micro SaaS Ideas to Build Right Now in 2024 (With REAL Examples)

20 Best Micro SaaS Ideas to Build Right Now in 2024 (With REAL Examples)

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Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking for the next big opportunity in the software world? Look no further! The micro SaaS (Software as a Service) market is booming, and 2024 is the perfect time to jump in.
But with so many options, how do you choose the best micro SaaS ideas to pursue?
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore 20 of the best micro SaaS ideas that are not only viable but thriving in today's market. What sets this list apart is that we're not just throwing ideas at the wall.
Each concept is backed by a real-world example of a successful micro SaaS business, complete with insights into their growth strategies, revenue figures, and key lessons learned.
To make this guide as valuable as possible, we've structured each case study in a consistent, easy-to-digest format. For every micro SaaS example, you'll find:
  • An overview of the company and its founders
  • The specific problem they're solving
  • Their unique solution and key features
  • Their growth strategy and marketing tactics
  • Revenue figures (where available)
  • Key lessons learned and why their approach works
This structure allows you to quickly grasp the essence of each business and draw actionable insights for your own micro SaaS venture.
From email management tools to specialized productivity apps, and from simple website builders to niche blogging platforms, we've curated a diverse range of micro SaaS ideas that cater to various markets and skill sets.
Whether you're a solo developer, a small team, or just someone with a great idea, there's something here for you.
By the end of this post, you'll have a clear understanding of:
  • What makes a micro SaaS idea successful in 2024
  • How real entrepreneurs have turned simple ideas into profitable businesses
  • The growth strategies that work best for micro SaaS products
  • Common challenges and how to overcome them
  • Why micro SaaS could be your ticket to financial independence and creative fulfillment
So, if you're ready to discover the best micro SaaS ideas and get inspired by real success stories,
let's dive in!


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Founders: Cyril Nicodeme Revenue: $9K MRR

The Problem

Businesses struggle with converting HTML documents into PDFs, screenshots, and banners for various use cases like invoices, reports, and customer data sharing.

The Solution

PDFShift provides a simple API to convert any HTML document into a PDF, screenshot, or banner, making it easy for businesses to generate and share professional-looking documents.

Key Features

  • Simple API for HTML to PDF conversion
  • Ability to create screenshots and banners
  • Supports various business use cases (invoices, reports, etc.)
  • User-friendly interface
  • Reliable and fast conversion process

Growth Strategy

  • Launched on Indie Hackers and Product Hunt for initial exposure
  • Utilized Quora marketing by answering relevant questions
  • Leveraged communities and forums for initial traffic
  • Focused on organic SEO for long-term growth
  • Continuously shipped and improved the product

Lessons Learned

  • Don't be afraid to ship, even without all features (e.g., payment gateway) in place
  • Solve a narrow, painful, and recurring problem for businesses
  • Build a product that customers love using
  • Leverage different platforms (Indie Hackers, Product Hunt, Quora) for marketing
  • Persistence pays off (only 4 out of 70 shipped projects made money)

Why It Works

PDFShift addresses a specific, recurring need for businesses with a simple and effective solution. By focusing on building a great product and utilizing various marketing channels, they've created a steady stream of customers. The founder's persistence in shipping projects and continuous improvement has led to a successful SaaS business.


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Founders: Dean and Diony (husband and wife team) Revenue: $3.5M ARR

The Problem

Businesses and individuals need an easy-to-use, versatile form builder for various online applications, from surveys to payment collection.

The Solution

Paperform offers a simple yet powerful form builder that combines ease of use with advanced features, catering to a wide range of user needs.

Key Features

  • User-friendly form building interface
  • Versatile functionality (surveys, payments, etc.)
  • High-quality product with excellent customer support

Growth Strategy

Paperform leveraged platforms like BetaList and AppSumo for initial traction, avoiding freemium to focus on paid customers. They later expanded through Product Hunt, partnerships, and heavily invested in SEO, now receiving around 100K organic visits daily.

Lessons Learned

Starting as a side project allows for sustainable growth. Marketplaces can provide early users and validation. Focusing on paid plans from the start ensures product value and quality feedback.

Why It Works

Paperform's commitment to product quality and customer support, combined with strategic use of growth platforms and long-term SEO investment, has led to consistent growth and a strong market position in the form builder space.


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Founders: Ali Salah (solo founder) Revenue: $25K MRR

The Problem

Businesses need an efficient way to communicate service status and outages to their customers, preventing overwhelming customer support during disruptions.

The Solution

Instatus provides a simple status page builder that allows companies to display their current service status and notify customers about outages, keeping them informed and reducing support load.

Key Features

  • Easy-to-use status page builder
  • Outage notifications for customers
  • Unique flat-rate pricing structure

Growth Strategy

Instatus gained initial traction through a successful Product Hunt launch. They then leveraged Google Ads targeting competitor keywords before transitioning to focus on organic SEO growth and content marketing for long-term sustainability.

Lessons Learned

Starting before feeling fully ready can lead to valuable learning experiences. Pivoting from targeting early-stage startups to larger companies with a rebranded offering proved successful.

Why It Works

Instatus stands out in a competitive market through strategic pricing and positioning. Their flat-rate pricing model offers a compelling value proposition compared to competitors' user-based pricing, attracting larger companies seeking cost-effective solutions.


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Founders: Ugur Yuruk Revenue: $80K MRR ($35K monthly profit)

The Problem

Non-US founders face significant challenges when trying to set up businesses in the US market, particularly in obtaining necessary tax identification numbers like EIN and ITIN.

The Solution

TheITIN provides a streamlined service to help non-US founders set up US entities and obtain their Tax ID numbers (EIN and ITIN), simplifying a complex and often frustrating process.

Key Features

  • US LLC setup for non-US residents
  • EIN and ITIN acquisition assistance
  • Partnerships with competitors for ITIN processing

Growth Strategy

TheITIN leverages influencer partnerships in the entrepreneurship niche, Google Ads, and an affiliate program. The founder's YouTube channel also contributes to growth by providing valuable information on US LLC formation for non-US founders.

Lessons Learned

The best ideas often emerge while working on other projects. Solving painful, boring, and expensive problems can lead to successful businesses.
Why It Works: TheITIN succeeds by addressing a specific, painful problem for a narrow niche, resulting in 200% year-over-year growth for three consecutive years and serving over 3000 customers from 150+ countries.


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Founders: Lean Zubrezki (solo founder) Revenue: $8K MRR (85% profit margin)

The Problem

Teams using both Notion for project management and Google Sheets for database management struggle with integrating these two platforms efficiently.

The Solution

Sync2Sheets is a Google Workspace add-on that seamlessly syncs Notion databases with Google Sheets, combining Notion's collaboration features with Google Sheets' powerful data management capabilities.

Key Features

  • Notion database synchronization with Google Sheets
  • Automated data transfer between platforms
  • Enhanced functionality for both Notion and Google Sheets

Growth Strategy

Lean gained initial traction by sharing the product in niche communities related to Notion, including subreddits, Facebook groups, and Twitter. He emphasized using demo videos to clearly showcase the product's value, especially on platforms like Reddit.

Lessons Learned

Focus on building a "painkiller" product rather than a "vitamin." B2B products often have better prospects than B2C. Marketing and distribution should be prioritized from the start.

Why It Works

Sync2Sheets solves a specific, painful problem for businesses using both Notion and Google Sheets. Its success stems from addressing a clear market need with zero marketing spend and maintaining a high profit margin through efficient operations.


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Founders: Bhanu (solo founder) Revenue: $250K+ in first year ($20K+ MRR combined with Feather)

The Problem

Businesses struggle with efficient customer support, especially for handling repetitive queries about their products or services.

The Solution

SiteGPT offers an AI-powered customer service chatbot that can be trained on a company's documentation, providing instant, accurate responses to customer inquiries.

Key Features

  • AI chatbot trained on company-specific documentation
  • Seamless integration with existing websites
  • Enterprise-focused feature development

Growth Strategy

Bhanu leverages "building in public" on Twitter, sharing his entrepreneurial journey openly. This approach, combined with successful Product Hunt launches, has been his primary marketing strategy, resulting in a strong following and product traction.

Lessons Learned

Persistence through multiple product attempts is key. Scratch your own itch to find product ideas. Validate demand by building features requested and paid for by enterprise customers before rolling them out widely.

Why It Works

SiteGPT addresses a common pain point in customer service with an innovative AI solution. The founder's approach of building in public, focusing on enterprise needs, and leveraging previous experiences has led to rapid growth without a marketing team.


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Founders: Zara and Aaron (2-person team) Revenue: $15K MRR

The Problem

Podcasters and creators of long-form video content struggle with efficiently editing and repurposing their content into short clips for social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

The Solution

Choppity offers an AI-powered video clip maker that automatically edits long-form videos into social media-ready clips, saving time and resources for content creators.

Key Features

  • AI-driven video editing for interview-based content
  • Automatic clip generation for social media
  • Maintains user flexibility in the editing process

Growth Strategy

The founders leveraged their personal networks and LinkedIn presence for initial traction. They used automated cold outreach tools like Dripify and gradually built word-of-mouth referrals. An affiliate program now contributes to customer acquisition.

Lessons Learned

Focus on solving one specific problem extremely well. Apply the "Jobs to be Done" framework to validate ideas. Replace services people are already paying for, such as popular Fiverr gigs.

Why It Works

Choppity addresses a clear, painful problem for a niche audience with a solution that replaces an existing, costly manual process. Their focused approach and leveraging of personal networks have driven steady growth.

Email Engine

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Founders: Andris Reinman (solo founder) Revenue: $8,600 MRR

The Problem

SaaS businesses, developers, and SMBs struggle with complex email integrations, particularly IMAP and SMTP implementations, which can slow down feature development.

The Solution

Email Engine provides a self-hosted email integration service that simplifies email-related tasks for applications and services, allowing developers to focus on building core features.

Key Features

  • Simplifies IMAP and SMTP complexities
  • Self-hosted solution for better control and security
  • Targets SMBs, developers, and SaaS businesses

Growth Strategy

Andris leveraged his reputation from popular open-source projects like Nodemailer. He pivoted from open-source to a commercial license model and refined his ideal customer profile (ICP) to target CTOs of small SaaS companies.

Lessons Learned

Always charge for core offerings. Use free tools to drive traffic to paid products. Be willing to pivot business models, licensing, and pricing. Obsess over identifying and understanding your ideal customer profile.

Why It Works

Email Engine addresses a specific pain point for a niche audience with a solution built by a respected developer in the field. The founder's strategy of leveraging open-source reputation and focusing on the right ICP has driven steady growth.


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Founders: Nathan Barry Revenue: $3M MRR

The Problem

Email marketing tools lacked features for authors and bloggers, causing frustrations for content creators like Nathan Barry.

The Solution

ConvertKit: An email marketing platform tailored for authors and bloggers, addressing the gaps in existing services like Mailchimp.

Key Features

  • Specialized tools for content creators
  • User-friendly interface for managing email lists
  • Advanced segmentation and automation capabilities

Growth Strategy

Nathan initially tried content marketing but saw little success. He then pivoted to direct sales:
  • Cold outreach to influential bloggers and authors
  • Personalized demo calls
  • Hands-on onboarding, often done manually by Nathan himself

Lessons Learned

  • Set ambitious challenges to drive action
  • Focus on one effective growth channel
  • Building in public can provide initial traction
  • Direct sales are crucial in the early stages
  • Persistence through plateaus is key

Why It Works

ConvertKit's success stems from its laser focus on a specific audience, hands-on approach to customer acquisition, and continuous improvement based on user feedback. The founder's persistence through initial struggles and willingness to pivot strategies were crucial to its growth from $2,000 to $3 million MRR over 11 years.


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Founders: John Doherty Revenue: $32K MRR

The Problem

Content agencies and in-house marketing teams struggle to produce polished content at scale without hiring full-time editors or dealing with unreliable freelancers.

The Solution

EditorNinja: A service providing professional editors to polish content for agencies and marketing teams, streamlining the editing process before publication.

Key Features

  • On-demand professional editing services
  • Scalable solution for content production
  • Eliminates need for full-time hires or unreliable freelancers

Growth Strategy

  • Initial customers from personal network
  • MVP built with NoCode tools (WordPress, Gravity Forms, Zapier, PayPal)
  • Long-term focus on data-driven SEO strategies

Lessons Learned

  • Launch quickly with a scrappy MVP
  • Leverage personal network for initial growth
  • Iterate to identify ideal customer persona
  • Focus copy on customer pain points
  • Invest in sustainable growth channels like SEO
  • Network with peers for industry insights

Why It Works

EditorNinja capitalizes on the growing need for human editors in the age of AI-generated content. By offering a flexible, scalable solution and focusing on customer pain points, they've built a successful business generating $32K MRR in just two years.


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Founders: Vol Zastavny Revenue: $700K ARR

The Problem

Solopreneurs and SMBs struggle to create professional, on-brand email signatures that also provide tracking and analytics capabilities.

The Solution

MySignature: An email signature generator that creates customized, trackable signatures, helping businesses maintain a professional image and gain insights from email communications.

Key Features

  • Customized, on-brand email signatures
  • Email tracking and analytics
  • Built-in retention mechanism (signatures stop working upon cancellation)

Growth Strategy

  • Strong focus on SEO
  • Creating high-quality, optimized content
  • Building relevant backlinks
  • Maintaining a well-optimized website

Lessons Learned

  • Start and test rather than over-theorizing
  • Ignore naysayers and launch your business
  • Invest in SEO early for sustainable growth
  • Join communities and network with other founders

Why It Works

MySignature's success ($700K ARR) stems from solving a common problem with a simple yet effective solution. Their built-in retention mechanism and strong SEO strategy contribute to low churn and high monthly traffic, creating a profitable bootstrapped SaaS business.

Auto Swiper

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Founders: Andreas Reinhold Revenue: $5,800 MRR

The Problem

Dating app users spend excessive time manually swiping through profiles, reducing efficiency in finding potential matches.

The Solution

Auto Swiper: A Chrome extension that automates swiping on dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid based on preset conditions, saving users time.

Key Features

  • Automated swiping based on user-defined rules
  • Works in the background while users do other tasks
  • Compatible with multiple popular dating apps

Growth Strategy

  • Started as a free extension with limited functionality
  • Gradually added premium features based on user feedback
  • Leveraged Chrome Web Store for organic growth
  • Focused on excellent customer service for retention

Lessons Learned

  • Build products that people want (health, wealth, or relationships)
  • Start small and grow with customer feedback
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Build in a growing market
  • Utilize existing marketplaces for initial traction

Why It Works

Auto Swiper capitalizes on the growing frustration with time-consuming dating apps. By offering a simple, effective solution and leveraging the Chrome Web Store for distribution, it has built a successful niche product in the competitive dating market.


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Founders: James Ivings and Danielle Johnson Revenue: $13K per month

The Problem

Email inboxes cluttered with unwanted subscriptions, causing frustration and wasted time for users.

The Solution

A simple, focused email unsubscription service that helps users clean up their inboxes efficiently.

Key Features

  • One-click unsubscribe from multiple email subscriptions
  • User-friendly interface
  • Privacy-focused approach
  • Regular updates based on user feedback

Growth Strategy

  • Building in public to generate interest and gather feedback
  • Leveraging Product Hunt for launches (4 successful launches)
  • Focusing on SEO for sustainable traffic growth
  • Maintaining an open startup model for transparency

Lessons Learned

  • Solve your own problems, but ensure others want the solution too
  • Start lean with a single, focused feature
  • Engage with communities for early traction and feedback
  • Balance spiky (Product Hunt, Hacker News) and sustainable (SEO) growth channels

Why It Works

LeaveMeAlone addresses a common pain point with a laser-focused solution. The founders' commitment to transparency, continuous improvement based on user feedback, and strategic use of various growth channels have contributed to its success. Their ability to run the business while traveling demonstrates the flexibility of their micro-SaaS model.


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Founders: Malcolm Ocean (solo founder) Revenue: $23K MRR

The Problem

Existing productivity apps often lack a strong philosophy and fail to address users' deeper productivity needs and values.

The Solution

A productivity app built around a unique philosophy that prioritizes choosing and doing over organizing, aliveness over exhaustiveness, goals over tasks, and proactiveness over reactiveness.

Key Features

  • Goal-oriented task management
  • Emphasis on intention-setting and action-taking
  • Unique philosophy embedded in the app's design
  • Integrations with other productivity tools

Growth Strategy

  • Started with 1:1 outreach for initial customers
  • Leveraged word-of-mouth marketing from satisfied users
  • Engaged with online communities where ideal customers congregate
  • Developed integrations with complementary and competing apps
  • Charged users from day one, avoiding freemium model

Lessons Learned

  • Having strong opinions and a unique philosophy can help stand out in a competitive market
  • Unscalable approaches like personal outreach can be effective for initial growth
  • Charging from the beginning attracts serious users and provides valuable insights
  • Embedding in online communities can drive sustainable growth
  • Integrations, even with competitors, can expand user base

Why It Works

Intend succeeds by offering a highly opinionated product in a crowded market, effectively differentiating itself through its unique philosophy. The founder's approach of personal outreach, community engagement, and strategic integrations has built a loyal user base. By charging from the start, Intend ensures committed users and steady revenue growth.


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Founders: John O'Nolan Revenue: $6.3M ARR

The Problem

Existing blogging platforms like WordPress had become complex CMS systems, moving away from simple, focused content publishing for writers and journalists.

The Solution

A simple, open-source blogging platform that focuses solely on publishing and writing, helping creators and journalists easily publish their thoughts on the internet.

Key Features

  • Streamlined, publishing-focused interface
  • Open-source architecture
  • Fixed-price plans based on features and audience size
  • 0% cut from creators' revenue
  • Built-in monetization tools for creators

Growth Strategy

  • Started with a viral blog post and successful Kickstarter campaign
  • Built an audience (30,000 mailing list subscribers) before full product launch
  • Leverages big product launches for new versions
  • Implements product-led growth with optional "published with Ghost" banners
  • Utilizes referral marketing with 30% commission for recommendations

Lessons Learned

  • Every idea needs a great story to attract ideal customers
  • Find a unique angle in a competitive market
  • Validate the idea before building too much
  • Get continuous user feedback (e.g., through private Discord community)
  • Use creative constraints to guide product development and company growth

Why It Works

Ghost succeeds by offering a focused, creator-friendly platform in a crowded market. Its open-source nature, unique pricing model (0% revenue cut), and strong community engagement set it apart from competitors like Substack. The founder's approach of building an audience first, coupled with strategic growth tactics, has built a loyal user base and steady revenue growth.


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Founders: AJ (pseudonym) Revenue: $1M+ ARR

The Problem

Existing website builders were complex and trying to do everything, making it difficult for users to quickly create simple, focused websites.

The Solution

A streamlined website builder focused solely on creating one-page websites, offering simplicity and ease of use for users who need a quick online presence.

Key Features

  • Exclusively builds one-page websites
  • User-friendly interface
  • Generous free plan with .carrd subdomain
  • Simple pricing model ($19/year for a custom domain)
  • Responsive design templates

Growth Strategy

  • Successful Product Hunt launch (6000+ upvotes, Golden Kitty Award 2016)
  • Product-led growth through free .carrd subdomains
  • Frictionless onboarding (users can start building without logging in)
  • Viral growth through high-profile user shares (e.g., Kim Kardashian tweet)
  • Leveraging founder's existing audience from HTML5UP and Pixelarity

Lessons Learned

  • Embrace constraints as superpowers (focus on one-page websites)
  • Single-feature products can be easier to build and market for solo founders
  • Launch platforms like Product Hunt can provide initial traction
  • Offer a generous free plan and simple pricing to encourage adoption
  • Product-led growth can lead to free marketing through user-generated content

Why It Works

Carrd succeeds by offering a focused, easy-to-use product in a crowded market. Its limitations (one-page websites only) become its strength, attracting users who need quick, simple solutions. The founder's approach of leveraging existing expertise, coupled with a freemium model and viral growth tactics, has built a large user base and steady revenue growth, all while maintaining a lean two-person team.


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Founders: Adriaan van Rossum Revenue: $32K MRR

The Problem

Existing analytics solutions often compromise user privacy and can be complex to use, leaving website owners without a simple, privacy-focused alternative.

The Solution

A privacy-first analytics solution that provides website owners with essential insights while respecting user privacy and offering simplicity of use.

Key Features

  • Privacy-focused analytics
  • Simple, user-friendly interface
  • Transparent operation and data handling
  • Essential website metrics without compromising user data

Growth Strategy

  • Word of mouth marketing
  • SEO-focused content creation
  • Social media engagement
  • Building in public for transparency
  • Targeting a specific ideal user who values privacy and simplicity

Lessons Learned

  • Stand out in a crowded market by introducing specific angles (privacy and simplicity)
  • Build for yourself, but ensure there's a market of like-minded users
  • Transparency builds trust, which fuels word-of-mouth growth
  • Simple SEO strategy: Create content solving problems for ideal users
  • It's possible to compete with large incumbents by having a focused, angled approach

Why It Works

SimpleAnalytics succeeds by offering a focused solution in the competitive analytics market. Its emphasis on privacy and simplicity appeals to a specific user base, differentiating it from complex, data-hungry alternatives. The founder's commitment to transparency and building in public has fostered trust and driven organic growth through word-of-mouth and social media. Their content strategy, focused on solving user problems, has established a sustainable SEO presence, ensuring long-term growth.


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Founders: Jon Yongfook Revenue: $630K ARR

The Problem

Marketing teams and businesses struggle with efficiently generating dynamic images for social media posts and marketing materials at scale.

The Solution

A REST API service that allows marketing teams to automatically generate images for their social media posts and marketing campaigns.

Key Features

  • REST API for image generation
  • Dynamic image creation for social media
  • Scalable solution for marketing teams
  • Automated image generation for various marketing needs

Growth Strategy

  • Pivoting from Open Graph image generation to a more broadly applicable API service
  • Clear positioning as a tool for marketing teams
  • Building in public and sharing journey transparently
  • Focusing on product-founder fit before product-market fit
  • Applying the "Jobs to be Done" framework to understand user needs

Lessons Learned

  • Explore multiple ideas to discover your interests (e.g., 12 startups in 12 months challenge)
  • Focus on one idea when you find something that works and aligns with your passion
  • Aim for product-founder fit to ensure long-term commitment
  • Be willing to pivot and reposition as you learn more about user problems
  • Use frameworks like "Jobs to be Done" to better understand and position your product

Why It Works

Bannerbear succeeds by addressing a specific pain point for marketing teams in a scalable way. The founder's journey of exploration, pivoting, and repositioning led to a product that not only solves a real problem but also aligns with his interests. Jon's commitment to transparency and building in public has fostered trust and interest in the product. The focus on product-founder fit ensures long-term dedication to solving the problem, while the clear positioning as a tool for marketing teams helps in targeting the right audience.


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Founders: Baptiste Arnaud Revenue: $34K MRR

The Problem

Existing conversational form builders like Typeform had a great user experience but lacked a user-friendly creation process. There was an opportunity to improve the UX of form creation.

The Solution

Typebot created a WYSIWYG NoCode conversational form builder, making it easier for users to create interactive forms and chatbots.

Key Features

  • Simple and intuitive chatbot builder
  • WYSIWYG interface for easy form creation
  • Conversational forms similar to Typeform
  • Community engagement through a Facebook group

Growth Strategy

  • Launched lifetime deals on SaaSMantra, gaining 900+ new users
  • Created a public roadmap to engage with customers
  • Built a community for early users to gather insights
  • Benefited from mention by a Brazilian marketing influencer

Lessons Learned

  • Scratching your own itch can lead to valuable products
  • Lifetime deals can work if server costs are manageable
  • Insights from paying customers are invaluable
  • Persistence is key; most businesses take years to reach profitability
  • Being prepared to benefit from "lucky" events is crucial

Why It Works

Typebot addressed a gap in the market by simplifying the creation of conversational forms. By focusing on user experience and community engagement, they've built a loyal customer base. Their persistence through slow initial growth and ability to capitalize on opportunities led to significant success.

Bank Statement Converter

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Founder: Angus Cheng Revenue: $23K MRR

The Problem

People struggle with clunky PDF bank statements that are difficult to analyze and manipulate for financial purposes.

The Solution

Bank Statement Converter (BSC) transforms PDF bank statements into usable Excel files, making it easier for users to work with their financial data.

Key Features

  • Converts PDF bank statements to Excel format
  • Customized parsing for various banks and countries
  • Subscription-based model
  • Content marketing with targeted blog posts
  • SEO optimization for long-tail, high-intent keywords

Growth Strategy

  • Initially used Google Search Ads to acquire first customers
  • Pivoted to content marketing, writing niche blog posts
  • Changed from selling credits to a subscription model
  • Focused on SEO to rank for crucial keywords
  • Continuously improved parsing algorithms based on customer feedback

Lessons Learned

  • There's no single path to success; find what works for you
  • It's okay to start by solving your own problem
  • Build and ship fast, then iterate with customer feedback
  • SEO and content marketing can be powerful growth drivers
  • Simple ideas can lead to successful businesses if executed well

Why It Works

Bank Statement Converter addresses a common pain point with a straightforward solution. By focusing on specific customer needs and continuously improving the product, BSC has created a valuable tool that generates passive income. The combination of targeted marketing, SEO, and customer-driven improvements has led to steady growth and success.


As we've explored these 20 best micro SaaS ideas, it's clear that the opportunities in this space are both diverse and exciting. From LeaveMeAlone's email unsubscription service to Carrd's one-page website builder, each of these successful micro SaaS businesses demonstrates that with the right idea, execution, and persistence, it's possible to build a thriving online business, even in competitive markets.
Key takeaways from these micro SaaS examples include:
  1. Solve a Specific Problem: The most successful micro SaaS ideas focus on solving a particular pain point for a well-defined audience.
  1. Embrace Constraints: Many of these businesses, like Intend and Carrd, turned limitations into strengths by focusing on doing one thing exceptionally well.
  1. Start Lean: Most of these successful founders started small, often as solo entrepreneurs or small teams, and grew organically.
  1. Prioritize User Experience: Simplicity and ease of use are common threads across these successful micro SaaS products.
  1. Leverage Various Growth Strategies: From product-led growth to content marketing and strategic integrations, these businesses used a mix of tactics to acquire and retain users.
  1. Build in Public: Many of these founders found success by sharing their journey and engaging with their community.
  1. Price Strategically: Whether it's Ghost's 0% revenue cut or Carrd's simple annual fee, pricing plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers.
As we look to 2024 and beyond, the micro SaaS landscape continues to offer immense potential for entrepreneurs willing to identify niche problems and build focused solutions. The success stories we've examined prove that with determination, creativity, and a user-centric approach, it's possible to build a profitable micro SaaS business that not only provides value to customers but also offers personal and financial freedom.
Remember, the best micro SaaS idea is one that aligns with your skills, passion, and a genuine market need. Whether you're inspired by the email management prowess of LeaveMeAlone, the focused productivity approach of Intend, or the simplicity of Carrd, there's a world of opportunity waiting for your unique contribution.
So, what's your micro SaaS idea? The examples we've explored today are just the beginning. With the insights and strategies from these successful businesses, you're now equipped to embark on your own micro SaaS journey. Start small, focus on providing value, and who knows? Your idea could be the next big micro SaaS success story we feature.
The time to act is now. Take that first step, validate your idea, and start building. The world of micro SaaS is waiting for your innovation. Let's make 2024 the year your micro SaaS idea becomes a reality!
Ready to dive deeper into the world of micro SaaS and connect with like-minded entrepreneurs? Here are two valuable resources to fuel your journey:
  1. Stay Informed: Sign up for the Superframeworks newsletter at superframeworks.com. Get weekly insights, case studies, and practical tips for building and growing your micro SaaS business.
  1. Join the Community: Become part of a supportive network of peers building micro SaaS businesses. Join the Indie Masterminds community at indiemasterminds.com to share experiences, get feedback, and accelerate your growth.
Your micro SaaS journey starts here.
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Eternally Curious. Writing, Learning, Building in Public. Writing about Ideas + Inspiration + Insights for creators, solopreneurs and indie hackers | Simple tips and frameworks to help you build a sustainable solo business

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