Love how the copy right before the CTA focuses on the pain points and fears of their ideal customer persona.
Pain leads to action.
Early Challenges
But their ideal customer persona was not this obvious right from the beginning.
Editor Ninja is a 2 year old business now, and one of the biggest challenges in the early days was figuring out WHO they served and what problem they solved for them.
John explains here -
Early Growth
John got his very first customers by talking about EditorNinja within his personal network.
He hacked together the initial MVP just with NoCode tools - Wordpress + Gravit Forms + Zapier + Paypal.
Sustainable Growth
After initial success from his personal network, EditorNinja has doubled down on SEO for it’s growth.
It’s clear from their organic traffic chart and their blog that they have been consistently investing in data driven SEO strategies over the last year or so.
They’ve been getting traffic for a very interesting set of keywords. I’m working a deep dive report on the SEO strategy that EditorNinja is using, will release it for Indie Masterminds members soon. Make sure you sign up.
Learning from Peers
Networking with other entrepreneurs at a similar stage as you is always an insightful experience.
John was able to predict the rising demand for content editing when he heard about people playing with AI content for their businesses.
He attended a mastermind in Costa Rica where he realized that soon a signifcant part of their work would be AI content.
Top Lessons
Top lessons from Editor Ninja’s success -
Start before you’re ready, be scrappy and launch your product.
Initial growth will happen from your personal network - so build an audience, go into communities, talk about your work every day.
Try, fail, iterate and keep going till you dial down who exactly is your ideal customer
Focus on your customer’s pains in your copy and landing pages.
Sustainable growth comes from predictable channels like SEO
Learn from your peers - join communities, attend masterminds and networking events.
The goal of this newsletter is to inspire and motivate you, but the goal of the community is to help you take action and go to the next level in your journey.
So if you’re at that stage where you don’t need more inspiration, but you do need to take the right action, then come join us!
We’re here to help 🫂
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