Dmytro Krasun has tried almost every marketing strategy for Screenshot One over the last 2.5 years.
Google Ads
Reddit promotion
Directory Submissions
Product Hunt Launch
Direct outreach on Twitter
The channels that have worked best for Dmytro are Building in Public on Twitter, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
For SEO he writes useful content that ranks, builds free tools for his ICP, and both of them help him get solid backlinks to improve his domain authority.
All of this has meant that Screenshot One ranks for the most lucrative keyword in this category -
“Screenshot API”
Unique SEO Strategy
Dmytro has a unique SEO strategy that helps him find the perfect keywords to target without spending money on expensive SEO tools.
This is his strategy -
Write the most useful piece of content for his ICP
Don’t care about SEO, just deliver most value possible.
Let Google index it. Your articles will start getting some impressions (and maybe even clicks).
And then look at Google search console for the keywords that the article has started to rank for.
Even if the article is ranking on page 50, the impressions data you get from Google search console is pure gold
This is a great strategy because the data you get this way is first hand data.
It’s the most accurate SEO data possible - much better than any tool out there.
All of the tools have 2nd or 3rd hand data via APIs.
Most of the times its directionally correct, but not absolutely accurate, and it may also be lagging by a few days to even months.
While the data you get from Google Search Console is fresh and accurate.
So this completely free SEO strategy that Dmytro uses is very effective.
But there are 3 caveats to keep in mind -
This will take time - SEO is slow anyways, and this “on the go” strategy can slow it down further
You may be shooting in the dark - sometimes your articles may not render any useful information, and you will need more shots at the target.
You will be limited by your own knowledge. Using 3rd party SEO tools help you explore new keywords which you may never have thought of yourself. Doing that can be hard with Dmytro’s “on the go” SEO strategy.
You should always combine the 2 strategies -
Write initial articles after keyword research
Gather search console data and come up with new keywords to target or improve old ones
(I go deeper into effective SEO strategies for Micro SaaS products in the SEO courses I’ve created for Indie Masterminds members)
Top Lessons
Top Lessons from Screenshot One’s success -
Play to your strengths with both product and marketing - as a developer Dmytro is comfortable building a simple API product. And he’s also comfortable doing SEO which is a passive marketing channel compared to building an audience on social media
Build In Public - Even if it doesn’t get you customers, it gets you friends and fans. And its a great way to document your entrepreneurial journey. Dmytro does it beautifully
Do SEO, always do SEO - Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not dead, its evolving, but the fundamentals will always remain the same - Useful content + High quality backlinks.
Whenever you’re ready, consider joining the Indie Masterminds community. The goal of this newsletter is to inspire you, but the goal of the community is to help you take action and go to the next level in your journey.
So if you’re at that stage where you don’t need more inspiration, but you do need to take the right action, then come join us!
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