So it listens in during your job interview, and helps you come up with answers to the interview questions in real time.
With the help of AI.
Painful Problem: How to crack job interviews
Simple Solution: AI to listen in and give you answers (without being detected)
The hero section of their landing page makes it very clear -
Parakeet AI Growth Channels
Organic Social
Parakeet has grown only from organic social media - short form videos on TikTok, Instagram, YT Shorts etc.
And because its a controversial topic, their videos get a lot of negative/hate comments, which drive up engagement and help Parakeet reach larger audience.
Social media thrives on controversy, and this is a product with built in controversy
Check out the comments on one of their recent YT short -
The haters don’t realize they’re just driving up engagement for the video.
Google Ads
Parakeet AI is also running Google ads for its own brand name.
This is essential because most people who find them on social media, would then search for their name on Google, so they must rank number 1 there.
Until their SEO picks up, Google ads are the best bet
Parakeet AI Pricing Model
I think Parakeet AI wins big on the pricing model.
Job interviews is not a recurring problem, so it should not have a recurring cost for the customer. That’s why credit based pricing works very well for them.
Sure they don’t have “$16K MRR” instead they have “$16K/M”
But revenue is revenue - recurring or one time.
Parakeet AI Landing Page Lessons
Parakeet AI has a simple, straightforward landing page that speaks directly to their ICP.
No fluffy language
No AI written words like “transform”, “revolutionize”, “delve” etc.
Clear focus on the biggest problem of their customer - speed, accuracy, detectability, coverage of different coding languages
Their features sections is actually a benefits section - just read the micro copy under each of the headings.
Top Lessons
Top Lessons from Parakeet AI’s success -
Build a simple product to solve a painful problem
Use short form video to get initial traction from social media
Being controversial helps on social media
Align your pricing model with the type of value you provide - recurring problems = recurring price. One time problems = One time price
Have a simple, straightforward landing page - focus on benefits not features.
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