$80K/m solving 1 boring, unsexy problem

$80K/m solving 1 boring, unsexy problem
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TheITIN is a simple, boring non sexy business that makes $80K per month.
  • By solving a painful problem
  • For a specific audience
  • In a narrow niche
They help non US founders setup entities in the US, and help obtain their Tax ID number EIN and ITIN.
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  • TheITIN is at $80K monthly revenue, $35K monthly profit
  • It has served 3000+ customers from 150+ countries
  • And had 200% year-over-year growth for 3 consecutive years

The Origin Story

Founder Ugur Yuruk doesn’t have a legal background. He started as an Amazon seller, trying to setup his Amazon FBA business from China, looking to sell in the US market.
That’s when he first learned about the challenges of non-US founders trying to build a business in the US.
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Narrowing Down + Partnering with competitors

Setting up a US LLC is a big market, with lots of competitiors.
Setting up a US LLC for non US residents is a bit narrower, but still with interest from the big players.
But the winning niche is helping non US founders get their ITIN number.
The put their niche expertise into the name of the business and even the domain.
Ugur and his team got so good at it that they even partnered with competitors serving the same user persona.
Their competitors outsources the ITIN process to them.
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Influencer Partnerships

Narrowing down also meant that they started getting attention from YouTubers in the entrepreneurship niche.
Influencers started to mention TheITIN as a reliable service to get a US ITIN for non-US founders.
They doubled down on this channel and leverage influencer marketing to get leads.
They built relationships with influencers by engaging with them and making real connections.
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Other Growth Channels

Apart from influencer partnerships, Google ads is the next best growth channel for TheITIN.
After that it’s affiliate program and even Ugur’s YouTube channel where talks about US LLC formation for non-US founders.
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Top Lessons

Top Lessons from TheITIN success -
  • The best ideas come when you’re busy working on other ideas. So stop thinking, and start taking action. If Ugur was not building an Amazon FBA business, he would never get the idea for TheITIN
  • Scratch your own itch, solve your own problems - especially if they are painful, boring and expensive.
  • Not every business has to be SaaS, services have great cashflow from day 1. (Related: EditorNinja)
  • Influencer marketing can work in the early days, if you invest in deep authentic relationships with influencers.
  • Google Ads are a great channel to scale if your value propositin is obvious and you’re solving a painful problem.
  • Affiliate Marketing works if your ticket size is large and you can offer generous affiliate commissions. (Related: Systeme)

Further Reading

Read the full story of TheITIN on StarterStory -

From the vault -

3 random post from the Superframeworks archives -

Useful links you don’t want to miss -
Last week’s top link -

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Eternally Curious. Writing, Learning, Building in Public. Writing about Ideas + Inspiration + Insights for creators, solopreneurs and indie hackers | Simple tips and frameworks to help you build a sustainable solo business