On Twitter, I asked Centori’s founder Tyler - “what came first? the SEO coaching and managed SEO service or the SEO software tool?”
He said, he started with the tool first, but faced significant churn in the early days.
When he asked his users, he realised that users didn’t know what to do next after they had started to use the tool.
They need more helps/guidance around SEO.
This is what Tyler says -
Listening to Customers
Churn is the brutul truth of the SaaS business model. Every product faces it.
If there was any other founder instead of Tyler, who had no idea about the SEO industry, then the first instinct when delaing with churn is to offer a lower priced plans, or build more features in the hope of retaining customers.
Because as a developer, you only think in terms of features.
Instead, Tyler offered a higher priced 1:1 coaching. And was able to retain more customers, because he understood the real problem of the customer.
Your goal is NOT to sell the product you’ve built at any cost. Even if users don’t need it.
Your goal is to solve the problem of your customers.
In whichever format that works for them.
Growth Channels
Finally, I asked Tyler about the growth channels that have worked well for Centori.
His answer -
Email Marketing
Slack and Indie Hackers communities (in the early days)
Top Lessons
Don’t be shackled by your own product (or business model).
Focus on the customer, and find novel ways to solve problems for them.
If you’re an expert/consultant/coach in one industry, you have a HUGE edge if you build a SaaS around your expertise.
SaaS churn is real, but listening to customers is the only way out.
Communities are the best place to get your early customers.
SEO and PPC (and other paid channels) are a great way to get customers at a later stage.
This is what success looks like in the corporate world - "doing lots of stuff in a visible manner"
The exact opposite of deep and meaningful work.
When I realised this, I HAD to find a way to quit that world.
Dont want to be forced to "look busy" and waste my time.
I'd rather make less money and do work that gives me meaning.
Learning from Sanat
Last week I had the privilege of hosting the amazing Sanat Hegde for the Indie Masterminds community podcast.
We discussed -
• How he got burnt out and quit his agency
• How he came to start Hirevire
• Selling Lifetime Deals on Appsumo
• Reaching $11K /m revenue
Hard earned wisdom from the trenches!
This interview is exclusively available to the members of the Indie Masterminds community.
Consider joining us to enjoy tons of more such premium content.
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So if you’re at that stage where you don’t need more inspiration, but you do need to take the right action, then come join us!
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