Why sell to “higher-ups”?

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Why sell to “higher-ups”?
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Mac Martine went from $0 to $58K MRR in 30 months.
And then had a 7 figure exit!
But it wasn’t as easy as the headlines say it is.
Mac had been hustling for nearly 2 decades before reaching an idea that really hit it off.
Inspirational story!
This part in his recent post resonated with me the most -
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Top lessons from his journey -
  • Sell to “higher-ups” and biz owners. People with money 🤑
  • Surround yourself with people doing what you want to do.Learn all you can from them. Help those coming up behind you.
  • Don't Quit!
And follow him on Twitter and check out his website.

My failure to build a DTC business

Back in 2019, I started a DTC e-commerce T shirt store.
Ran it for 3 months, wasted $5000 on fb ads and ultimately shut it down.
Here’s why I failed, what I learned and why you should NOT start a dropshipping business -
First off - why Dropshipping?
It was the coolest thing I could think of at the time.
Me and my wife loved brainstorming creative projects.
We thought we could make interesting designs, put them on T shirts and sell them on the internet.
It sounded so much fun.
Plus all the internet gurus make everything sound so easy and sexy.
All we had to do was come up with the designs, set up a store and figure out a way to sell T shirts.
Easy peasy.
I share why I failed and what went wrong, and what fundamental business lessons I learned along the way.

How to do 5 user interviews in 1 hour

Someone shared this in the Indie Masterminds Slack, and I thought this was genius!
Here’s the strategy -
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If your audience is Twitch streamers, or if your audience follows Twitch streamers, then this should work really well.

Upcoming Workshop - Canva Magic with Sathya

I’m so stoked for this 🤩
The amazing Sathya is a doing a Canva workshop next week.
This is free and exclusive for the members of the indie masterminds community.
If you want to learn Canva (and a 100 other essential skills around business) then come join us.
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Who is an entrepreneur?

Someone who takes personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t their own.
This mindset has stuck with me ever since I read Expert Secrets from Russle Brunson.
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Worth a read.
Brunson’s books are the OG classics of internet marketing. Everyone should read them.

That's it for today folks. Hope you found this useful.
If you did, please share it with a friend. And do signup to receive more such posts every week in your inbox.

Useful links you don't want to miss -
(*Links in bold are classified ads, to reserve your spot, please send me a DM on Twitter.)

🤗 How can I help?

Whenever you’re ready, there are a few ways I can help you -
  • 🫂 The entrepreneur’s journey is long and hard, don’t go at it alone. Join a tight knit group of creators, indie hackers and solopreneurs. Get clarity, direction and focus.
  • 💸 An info product can set you free, it can help you grow your audience and income. Learn the step by step framework to build and launch an info product in 14 days. Buy Now

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Eternally Curious. Writing, Learning, Building in Public. Writing about Ideas + Inspiration + Insights for creators, solopreneurs and indie hackers | Simple tips and frameworks to help you build a sustainable solo business