Building an Audience vs Having a Presence

Building an Audience vs Having a Presence
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Last few months I've started to realize that I don't want to build an audience.
An audience comes with all the challenges of being a celebrity.
You have to post a certain type of content, in a certain way on a certain schedule.
You must engage with a certain type of people, you must please the algorithm as well as the audience that you're creating content.
Its hard to be spontaneous and raw if you have a reputation to maintain - if you have to fit into a very specific frame that your audience has created for you.
Started to strongly feel that I should flip my mindset to - "having a presence" instead of building an audience.
I come, I say what I want to say, engage with the people I want to engage, and go.
My people will find me, I will find my people
It will be slow, but it will be effective. I will form stronger bonds with a few interesting people instead of weaker bonds with many boring people.
And my writing won't look the same all the time.
So this year I don't have any audience building goals. No content creation goals. No engagement goals.
I don't want to be a "content creator", I just want to be a chill dude who writes interesting stuff about a wide range of topics.
Says something when he as something fun to say.
And shuts up if he doesn't have something fun to say.

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Eternally Curious. Writing, Learning, Building in Public. Writing about Ideas + Inspiration + Insights for creators, solopreneurs and indie hackers | Simple tips and frameworks to help you build a sustainable solo business

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