The Power of Asking

The Power of Asking
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1 of the most crucial skills in life is the ability to ask for what you want.
Whether in personal relationships, business, or career, being unafraid and confident in making requests is essential for achieving anything worthwhile in life.
If you don’t ask, you won’t get!
Many people hesitate to ask due to an innate fear of rejection, rooted in our psychology and biology.
However, it's important to recognize that life rarely hands us opportunities without effort.
Growth requires stepping into uncomfortable situations and making bold requests.
My personal experience illustrates the power of asking.
3 years ago, while feeling stuck in a job and seeking ways to become independent, I made a habit of reaching out to interesting founders building exciting projects.
I would send direct messages on Twitter, offering my skills in product management and software engineering, and asking if I could help.
Although I faced dozens of rejections, persistence finally paid off.
Eventually, one founder who was hiring a product manager responded positively to my pitch.
I proposed working as a part-time consultant, explained the value I could add to her startup.
This opportunity became the trigger for me to quit my job and kickstart my journey of entrepreneurship.
None of this would have happened if I had been too afraid to ask or if I had been uncomfortable with the possibility of rejection.
Embracing rejection and the discomfort is crucial.
The sky won't fall if someone says no.
After making 100 asks, the 101st might be the life-changing moment you've been waiting for.
So don't let fear hold you back.
Be confident, embrace potential rejection, and make that ask. Your future success depends on it.

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Eternally Curious. Writing, Learning, Building in Public. Writing about Ideas + Inspiration + Insights for creators, solopreneurs and indie hackers | Simple tips and frameworks to help you build a sustainable solo business